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Equally importantly, this is how we should view educational materials that are online. We expect that there will be ways for people with physical disabilities to access new public buildings. Nowadays, retrofitting for physical access usually only happens to very old public buildings. For example, stairs can be an access feature or a barrier as they cannot (easily) be used by people with some physical disabilities, elderly people, children, people pushing prams/carts etc. Architect Ron Mace coined the term “universal design” to describe the concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life. To understand what Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is, firstly, we need to look back at the origins of Universal Design. ka Mokupuni ʻo Saotome me Panikipe.What is Universal Design for Learning? Why does UDL matter? Sao Tome and Principe Saotome me Panikipe. Santa Barbara Kāna Palapala, Sana Barabara. Sandwich nā palaoa me nā mea hōʻonoʻono i waena. Sandalwood ʻiliahi, ʻaoa, lāʻau ʻala, ʻiliahialoʻe, wahieʻala, huaʻulaʻula. Sandal kāmaʻa hāwele, kāmaʻa hakahaka, pale wāwae, kāmaʻa pale wāwae kāmaʻa ʻie (braided) kāmaʻa lāʻī, pālaha, kuanaka (ti-leaf).

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sands of my birth, kuʻu one hānau (poetic). sand washed by the sea, one hali, one ʻōpiopio. Sanctuary wahi hoʻāno, keʻena kapu, wahi kanaaho, wahi kanaho, puʻuhonua. Sanctimonious hoʻohaipule i ke ʻano hoʻokamani, hoʻomikanele. San Joaquin Kāna ʻIōkina, Sana Iokina Waikini. Sample space the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment, in math. Sample as a small part of a larger whole. at the same time, hoʻokahi, i ka manawa hoʻokahi. same as ever, same as usual, ʻoia mau nō. Salvador El Salvador, Salvadoran, Salvadorian. Salvador Kalawakoa, Salawadoa Kalawekoa, Salawedoa. to salute the flag, hoʻomaikaʻi i ka hae. Salute hōʻailona hoʻomaikaʻi, hāʻawi i ka hōʻailona hoʻomaikaʻi. Salty liʻu, ālia, ālialia ʻōmiko (as soil near the sea). salted meat, kākāmaka (raw) kākāmoʻa (cooked).

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Salted miko, maliʻu (well salted) mikomiko (lightly). Salt shaker poho lūlū paʻakai, poho paʻakai. Salt pan kāheka, makapāpipi (natural) kāhekaheka (artificial). nutrient salt s, the deposits that remain after a liquid has been removed. salt container, saltcellar, poho paʻakai, ipu kūliʻu. sea water left in pool to form a salt crust by evaporation, kai hoʻolulu. salt-encrusted, ālia, ālialia, paʻapaʻakai, pāpaʻa kai, niʻi. salt flat, papa paʻakai (fig., sour disposition). ocherous earth used to color and flavor salt, ʻalaea. (Salmon was used in sorcery, perhaps because of the similarity of its name to kāmanomano, a weed used in love magic.) compare -mano, many salmon buttocks, ʻōkole kāmano, ʻamo kāmano ʻamo, anal opening. Saline paʻakai ʻōmiko (as soil near the sea). Sales pitch to make a pitch, as a sales pitch, or to "sell" an idea. Sale kūʻai aku, kūʻai hoʻolilo kūʻai hoʻēmi (reduction sale). Saint Louis High School, ke Kula Kiʻekiʻe o Kana Lui. Saint kaneka, saneta kāna, sana poʻe hemolele. also: luina, ʻaukai, ʻaumoana, holokahiki, holokai. sailing regulations, nā lula e pili ana i nā moku. see beam reach (port)., broad reach (port)., close hauled (port). also: lauoha, ʻōpeʻapeʻa kālepa, ʻōpihipihi (mats). sail on distant seas, ʻau i ke kai loa (of one who travels far). to sail aimlessly, holoholo wale, auhele. to sail to windward, kaʻaluna, hoʻopiʻipiʻi hoʻopāhuʻa ( rare). holo, hoʻoholo, hoholo, kele, hoʻokele hoʻokelekele (frequently) holomoku, hoʻoholomoku, holokai, holomoana. also: ʻolo, ʻoloʻolo, heʻe, heheʻe, luʻa, kūʻolo, luhe ʻōluheluhe (as a potbelly) lule, mūʻolo ʻoloʻolōna (under a weight) hūalakē, hoʻokalekale, kalekale, ʻopeʻalu, paleha, pēheu, kōkīkī, puhalu, halu, uhalu. Safety maluhia, palekana, panekana, malu.

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Saddle noho lio pack saddle, noho ʻāmana. Sad kaumaha, luʻuluʻu, ʻaoa, ʻinoʻino, ʻehaʻeha kaumaha lua (extremely). Sacrilege hehi kū i ke kapu kakilileke (Catholic). place of sacrifice, heiau, haiau, lele, ʻaoa. human sacrifice, kanaka, ulua, heana, puaʻa heʻa, puaʻa hinu, hinu, puaʻa wāwae loa ( see wāwae), ʻoma, haʻalelea, ukoʻo. also: kaumaha, mōlia, mōliaola, haina, hai, hei, hai ao, papaiō ʻōlapa (for sorcery) heʻa (blood) kākuʻai (food). Sacrifice mohai (for various types, see Haw.-Eng. Sacred Heart Puʻuwai Hoʻāno, Puʻuwai Laʻahia. sacred place, wahi kapu, hei kapu, wahi laʻa. Sacrament kakelema, kakelemeneka, kakalema. ʻeke ʻekeʻeke (small) ʻeke kūkaenalo (flour, unbleached muslin). Sa sc se sh si sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr st su sw sy -top. Sab sac sad saf sag sah sai sak sal sam san sao sap sar sas sat sau sav saw sax say

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